Friday 9 December 2011

Hello :)

So long havent blog already :/ this blog shall be about my Birthday in Malaysia ^^ me and my family and my grandma drove to port Dickson :) but before we drive there, we stopped at Melaka for lunch:D we ate chicken rice balls ! After that we went shopping, I bought a crossbow for fun ;P after walk walk, we drove up to port Dickson :) then we drove to our *hotel* which is very awesome ! It's a bandwagon :D hahahaha ! Then we went to eat dinner and celebrate my birthday day:) dinner was super nice and damn cheap :D we had, crab, fish, lala, mantis shrimp, soup :P after that we went to the carnival ^^ Very fun ! The spinning thing scary :) after that drove back to our hotel and slept:) next day we ate breakfast there and after that we went to go kart ^^ hahahah damn damn fun! I crash everywhere send those tires on the side flying but I also drift alot :) -best driver in family- :P after that, we went to the ostrich farm , there also have alot of monkey, goat, all types of birds: turkey, chicken, duck, etc. after that went to eat some ostrich satay :P then went ostrich riding ! :D scared the shit out of me, riding something huge i just ate :p hahaha then went eat lunch and vs dad , sis, and younger sis! I shot my dad 2 times :P one at the chin, the other at his armpit there but i also kena shot at my wrist when I capture the flag :/ picture evidence :) then from there we go swim then checkout hotel, go back Melaka and shop shop again and eat lunch :D eat durian chendol and their famous curry mee :p then bought a 1 meter sword for fun then start going back home le, stop by petrol and bought alot of gum :D hahaha , then go back home sleep like pig.

Hope you enjoyed this post :)

Want see the ostrich riding vid? :D next time show your in real life :)

Wednesday 3 August 2011

11th wish:D

A Chemical Romance Cadet Cap!:D top on list now:D Can see the picture on my facebook album labeled Wishlist:D ~

Friday 29 July 2011


First wishlist and hoped to me completed by this year or the next:)
1: Have an awesome birthday with my dearest friends:D (Y)
2: have at least one girlfriend by next year:P <3
3: A new pencil box:)
4: Concert to chemical romance or eminem:D
5: A few more species of beetles for my collection:x
6: Pimples to clear up:(
7: Someone to randomly buy me Häagen dazs ice cream XD !
8: Eat a tub of Häagen dazs ice cream myself :D !!
9: Try to like Shinee...
10: Buy a good friend a random a gift:D

Sunday 17 July 2011


Cheer up, don't get angry, when you get angry you hurt your friends badly too, I was on the verge of tears when you SMS yesterday, I suffered quietly, please don't get angry, on Friday, I waited for your reply after school, I seriously thought you were in danger, then went to white sands and waited alone for 2 hours waiting for your text, Then went to eat burger king alone, thanks Andrea for cheering me up! Just please stop being angry okay? No use, we have fights every single day, and I can't take it no more, I just want the old you back, when we ended our goodnights with messages that gave me sweet dreams and not with a knife in my heart, it's painful you know:( just.. Stop being angry okay? Chill:( Your posts scolding her, you stabbing her in her face, but your legs are smashing my heart,
You get angry at her, you get angry at me:( bye,

Friday 17 June 2011

Vietnam day 2!

Hey hey:) I in sg now btw, okay, on the second day do the trip, I woke up at 7, went bathe change and went down lobby eat the buffet breakfast>< Than after breakfast, me and family went to saigon zoo!:)(Ho Chi Minh City old name) the zoo very big small eh! And somemore the zoo I literally in middle of the city, all around the sides of the zoo cam see flats!:$ then we bought the tickets for $0.50!(each) Cheap much? Hahaha then walked left to the giraffe, saw one giraffe galloping like crazy, the amazing part is, beside the giraffes, theres in a uncle grilling pork! Can't imagine the giraffe smelling pork all day:) hahaha then went back to the entrance there take tram around the zoo. See all the animals very near sia! Crocodile like 1 feet from meO.o Then see slot of cool animals:) then after that, we tried to get a taxi to Ho chi Minh tunnel, 90km+ and back for $12? My father knew he gonna be scammed, then got a real taxi:)then went to the tunnel, had a tour first. Showing REAL bomb fragments that the Americans dropped on the Vietnamese, then saw s hole that the Vietnamese hid in, then saw tank that the Vietnamese bombed and shot it and have the bullets hole to prove it, then went to crawl the tunnel, so fun! Then went to see a bomb crater! Then after that went bac hotel bath and sleep:) bye

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Vietnam trip so far!:)

Hello:) Hahah kkay, I started my trip with family to Vietnam at around 4.30am in the morning:( hahaha, must wake up early to take plane!:) hahahah after go airport, we check in everything then go in super early breakfast :) hahaha I ate subway!:) meatball Mariana:p burned my tongue :( still can feel the pain now, after 2 days!:( hahaha, Fml. Then board plane must run cos we late!>< then board le, sit down wait how long I dunnoe, but very long. Haha, then take off le, play cards with brother all the way, then at Vietnam there saw the Mekong river from plane!:) so brown.. Heh, then touch down le, find luggage then the place where you come out from the belts to take the luggage de, straightaway outside the road sia! Tsk!! Then find my father's friend the personal driver, drive us around that day, the steering wheel on tr left hand sideO.o haha, then father brought us to a restaunt with loads and loads of flies EVERYWHERE.. Ate noodles with real crabmeat and some pork stuff?:) then go check in hotel after that:) Hahah shiok ah!:) I think only two people know my blog, so won't post pics, meet up with your show you're kkay?:) thanks;D hahah them after we put our luggage down, out driver drive us to the super super cheap market, but must walk a bit, and the traffic super dangerous! You must walk across the road while lots of motor cycle, cycle past you without stopping! ScaryT.T them before we reach the market, I saw a shop selling a BAT, yes, the animal with wing uh! Not the stick thingy:) hahaha bought it after much bargaining at US$11:) hehehe.. Them go market buy lots of shirt and peanuts.. Hahah get pulled and force by EVERY SHOP!>< the horror!! Scared leh! Then after shopping, which is about 5+ Vietnam(which is hour later than singapore) we go back hotel:) we all go swim swim except mum and sis, tsk! Them swim a while go back rest. Then it rained.. Don't know where eat le, then after a while, stop raining, then go to a roadside 'shop' and eat dinner, not bad leh! Then somebody want cony dad's money.. Serious! He say want look at Singapore $ keep on grabbin my father wallet, then in the end, he walk away.hahaha! Them went walk walk until 9+ then go one shop eat DAMN DAMN delicious grilled pork!!!!:D shiok ah!:) then went back hotel sleep like pig:D hahaha I think shall continue the next day tmr
Ah, good night bodoh and kai lin:) (got the video of me shooting AK47 on fb)

Tuesday 17 May 2011


Yea! Exams over! Can celebrate! But very little people freeD: must make bookings:p hahaha ok here what happened durin the last day of exam, I had maths exam(last paper) then go bbt,
Then go back sch, meet eugene then slack for a while. Then go tm but accidentally pangseh him:p hahaha bus too fast cannot wait. Okay,
Then go t1 alone, walk around smsing, after like an hour of walking alone, went to buy my new bag:D Hahah show you're on thursday:) okay byes:)

Sunday 17 April 2011


Haha this post is jus a revival post:) thanks ang ka for telling me to revive this blog:) hahaha gentle reminder: CHEMICAL ROMANCE ROCKS!!
Hahahaha. So sad you cannot go hong kong:( must beg until siao okay? If not I pei u in Singapore eat candy floss and coke:D hahah :) too tired and annoyed right now. Bye

Monday 21 March 2011

Rachel BodohGirlf

Hahaha thanks for the invite to your blog:D hahahah since today is special I dedicate this post to you~ this morning went for PE, couldnt run:( somethings wrong, Hahah them lessons blah blah blah, than at recess u called me emo cos I was eating my carrot cake alone:) lol where got emo sial?? Hahah then after school very fun:) Hahah thanks for showing me Koi! It's was awesome glad I could buy u one, mine too sweet>< haha I thought 100% sweetness means normal sweetness for a cup, sure get diabetes le:D thanks for everything!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad to hang out with u!! Byes awesome bodoh!!;D

Saturday 19 March 2011

Johor Bahru Trip

Hey hey, haven't been blogging for awhile this would be probaly be the 2nd last post for some time.. Ok, on Wednesday I went for band, it's was very special because that day all the bands come together can play their songs, in the morning need to bring up instruments to the hall, *sweat* haha them my mom cameO.o ask me to leave to go to Johor Bahru, haha yay! A little sad for kai lin,shu fang they all because suddenly bail and didn't say Bye. Ok the trip to jb was normal around 45mins, then went to eat some
Jap restraunt at Jusco Shopping mall. I ate a soft shell crab ramen:D hahah ok then went to buy shoes and a pair of jeans;) then shop shop till at night, them me and bro go supermarket buy loads of junk food:D hahaha sure gonna die of diabetes:$ them went to a roadside shop/restraunt, eat untill damn shiok, ate loads of crayfish and sotong:) then went home sleep :) byes

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Sports day!

Today was sports day;) didn't ran.. Heard a total of 40 songs and each is around 4mins;) went to eat alot of snacks, then ask kai lin they all to follow me take horrible tasting FREE Milo:D I'm so cheap.. Then went to buy a octopus sugar candy for kai lin, then after everything over, at the gate gave kai lin the candy, them we(kai lin,Emily,Melissa,etc,) set off to tampines mall, went to pasta maina, eat alot!:) then Emily take her pasta and kai lin's them plop in on to my plate and covered it in cheese.. No choice but to eat it.. How I suffered:D hahah ok after that went to shops and check out what to but for kok , Agustine,Charlie and _____ saw me then ask which one of them is mine-.- haha them saw beancurd(ren hui) in a pink shop of girly stuff!O.o the shop sucked cos it was playing SHINEE songs all the way-.- bye!

Sunday 6 March 2011


Heyy today was fun:D at the morning at PE, accidentally bump into.. Er.. The short dm teacher then she was actually scolding Xin Yi the n she look at me ask me stand at the yellow cone:( then after that went to run 2.4, got first again then the teacher ask me to go to mr benson class.. I guess I too fast for themXD i completed 2.4 in 13mins:DD at recess then eat carrot cake alone, the saw kai lin walking past me saying to me,'rotten' lol! Then scare her by going behind her and said 'boo' them walk off then saw Eugene carrying food for Levancia, lol!! Then went back and pull kai lin pony tail, wanted to step on her feet but too lazy;) bye

Thursday 3 March 2011


... Today recived my results and I jus wanna die. Seriously no kidding, kill me, I'l be a less burden, sure u may be sad for a while but in due time ul realize it's great for me to be no more living,

Wednesday 2 March 2011


My feelings today was nothing except when talking to Eugene because he very difficult to not laugh, hmm still feeling damn emo, my life motto was to study hard and make parents happy them provide them a good life, but now that won't come true so I don't see a point in living anymore, and thanks alot Kai Lin for trying to cheer my up in your blog, good luck in your exams an in your social life!..

Tuesday 1 March 2011


Feel so fucked up today, all because of me, SYF coming and I pushed all my work to Nadine, she cried and feeling so FUCKING guilty, now she has to chiong the piece I took months to try to complete it but now I fucking failed, I'm so sorry,

Monday 28 February 2011

Heyy, today quite fun, in the morning, I ha 2.4 then I run then got first sia!! Woot! Haha after that was boring then need stay back to do history hmks, suppose to do mr zhao hmk but too lazy le, after that go home on bus alone :)... Byes:D

Sunday 27 February 2011


Hello hello hello! Ahhaha... Sian... I feel like playing badmiton or volley ball, I think I'm getting better at it:) maybe Tmr I'l bring my racket and play :) having cough right now and jus ate a whole bunch if honey peanuts, it was accident cos I wanted to pour a little in my mouth then a whole lot came out, so I didn't want to waste it so I slowly ate it:( *cough coughs*

Saturday 26 February 2011

For my dearest daughter

The things I like about u dear retard daughter:P
1.You are so fun to talk to:)
2.You are unlike other girls:)
3.When I disturb u, u will laugh with me And thats one of most favorite things about u:D
4.You are in percussion:)
5.U gimmie your food(even though u didn't say so so I self-service:P)
6.Your attitude makes you beautiful inside and out:)
7.You are always caring:D
8.You do not inflict pain onto me unlike Daniella:)
9.You never ever scold me with hatred before and that's VERY AMAZING

Friday 25 February 2011


Jus finish story-telling;) hahah feel quite good now:)


Hey, feeling sad and anxious now:(
Hello I'm at home now:) jus went out with my Fren, we went around the void decks:) quite fun sia but quite pain too:) STUPID TWIG!

Thursday 24 February 2011

Continue ,

Hey so yea, bored, anyway today band was tiring but fun:) we tried at the song 'it's a small world after all' satish was so freaking scared and acting all retarded but after that he show of say very easy then I pointed to the difficult part of the piece and he became retarded again, haahha , so yea.. Oh yea! After band went to bubble tea shop with band frens and bought A spring roll which was flatten accidentally by me:( ahhaha but still good:) hahah ok byes!~


Hello currently on the bus 21 with Daniella, bleh, now damn tired after a full day of band and sch, sian, no mood now so I'l continue later

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Heyy!, first post of my first blog so don't judge me>:) hahaha, so umm yea.. today no teacher come for sch except for ms shah:) had taekwndo after sch. Quite basic actually jus learn front kick-.- hahaha ok yep, haha, bye:)