Friday 29 July 2011


First wishlist and hoped to me completed by this year or the next:)
1: Have an awesome birthday with my dearest friends:D (Y)
2: have at least one girlfriend by next year:P <3
3: A new pencil box:)
4: Concert to chemical romance or eminem:D
5: A few more species of beetles for my collection:x
6: Pimples to clear up:(
7: Someone to randomly buy me Häagen dazs ice cream XD !
8: Eat a tub of Häagen dazs ice cream myself :D !!
9: Try to like Shinee...
10: Buy a good friend a random a gift:D

Sunday 17 July 2011


Cheer up, don't get angry, when you get angry you hurt your friends badly too, I was on the verge of tears when you SMS yesterday, I suffered quietly, please don't get angry, on Friday, I waited for your reply after school, I seriously thought you were in danger, then went to white sands and waited alone for 2 hours waiting for your text, Then went to eat burger king alone, thanks Andrea for cheering me up! Just please stop being angry okay? No use, we have fights every single day, and I can't take it no more, I just want the old you back, when we ended our goodnights with messages that gave me sweet dreams and not with a knife in my heart, it's painful you know:( just.. Stop being angry okay? Chill:( Your posts scolding her, you stabbing her in her face, but your legs are smashing my heart,
You get angry at her, you get angry at me:( bye,