Friday 17 June 2011

Vietnam day 2!

Hey hey:) I in sg now btw, okay, on the second day do the trip, I woke up at 7, went bathe change and went down lobby eat the buffet breakfast>< Than after breakfast, me and family went to saigon zoo!:)(Ho Chi Minh City old name) the zoo very big small eh! And somemore the zoo I literally in middle of the city, all around the sides of the zoo cam see flats!:$ then we bought the tickets for $0.50!(each) Cheap much? Hahaha then walked left to the giraffe, saw one giraffe galloping like crazy, the amazing part is, beside the giraffes, theres in a uncle grilling pork! Can't imagine the giraffe smelling pork all day:) hahaha then went back to the entrance there take tram around the zoo. See all the animals very near sia! Crocodile like 1 feet from meO.o Then see slot of cool animals:) then after that, we tried to get a taxi to Ho chi Minh tunnel, 90km+ and back for $12? My father knew he gonna be scammed, then got a real taxi:)then went to the tunnel, had a tour first. Showing REAL bomb fragments that the Americans dropped on the Vietnamese, then saw s hole that the Vietnamese hid in, then saw tank that the Vietnamese bombed and shot it and have the bullets hole to prove it, then went to crawl the tunnel, so fun! Then went to see a bomb crater! Then after that went bac hotel bath and sleep:) bye

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Vietnam trip so far!:)

Hello:) Hahah kkay, I started my trip with family to Vietnam at around 4.30am in the morning:( hahaha, must wake up early to take plane!:) hahahah after go airport, we check in everything then go in super early breakfast :) hahaha I ate subway!:) meatball Mariana:p burned my tongue :( still can feel the pain now, after 2 days!:( hahaha, Fml. Then board plane must run cos we late!>< then board le, sit down wait how long I dunnoe, but very long. Haha, then take off le, play cards with brother all the way, then at Vietnam there saw the Mekong river from plane!:) so brown.. Heh, then touch down le, find luggage then the place where you come out from the belts to take the luggage de, straightaway outside the road sia! Tsk!! Then find my father's friend the personal driver, drive us around that day, the steering wheel on tr left hand sideO.o haha, then father brought us to a restaunt with loads and loads of flies EVERYWHERE.. Ate noodles with real crabmeat and some pork stuff?:) then go check in hotel after that:) Hahah shiok ah!:) I think only two people know my blog, so won't post pics, meet up with your show you're kkay?:) thanks;D hahah them after we put our luggage down, out driver drive us to the super super cheap market, but must walk a bit, and the traffic super dangerous! You must walk across the road while lots of motor cycle, cycle past you without stopping! ScaryT.T them before we reach the market, I saw a shop selling a BAT, yes, the animal with wing uh! Not the stick thingy:) hahaha bought it after much bargaining at US$11:) hehehe.. Them go market buy lots of shirt and peanuts.. Hahah get pulled and force by EVERY SHOP!>< the horror!! Scared leh! Then after shopping, which is about 5+ Vietnam(which is hour later than singapore) we go back hotel:) we all go swim swim except mum and sis, tsk! Them swim a while go back rest. Then it rained.. Don't know where eat le, then after a while, stop raining, then go to a roadside 'shop' and eat dinner, not bad leh! Then somebody want cony dad's money.. Serious! He say want look at Singapore $ keep on grabbin my father wallet, then in the end, he walk away.hahaha! Them went walk walk until 9+ then go one shop eat DAMN DAMN delicious grilled pork!!!!:D shiok ah!:) then went back hotel sleep like pig:D hahaha I think shall continue the next day tmr
Ah, good night bodoh and kai lin:) (got the video of me shooting AK47 on fb)